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Julian Scheer, Technical Advisor, and Marian Aúz, Account Executive DACH Intersolar Europe at RatedPower

RatedPower's software innovation takes center stage at Intersolar Europe

RatedPower made a significant impact at Intersolar Europe this year, cementing its status as a leading force in the renewable energy sector. With its innovative software for the solar industry, the company showcased cutting-edge solutions and hosted a series of engaging activities that enhanced the overall experience for attendees.

Review Energy had the privilege of interviewing Julian Scheer, Technical Advisor, and Marián Aúz, Account Executive DACH, to gain deeper insights into RatedPower's strategies and vision.

For three days attendees were impressed by the company's integration of advanced technologies, such as power factor compensation for energy storage systems (BESS) and the inclusion of overhead lines in cost estimation tools (CAPEX).

"We always try to keep it updated, so there will be new functionalities every now and then. The focus is always following the market, so we have new functionalities and the best battery storage in the CAPEX function. We try to include more cost analysis because that's important for PV plants. Additionally, we focus on the transmission lines, adding functionalities for connecting PV plants to the grids due to the numerous challenges involved. Grids connection, CAPEX, and battery features are the big ones we always work on,” stated Scheer.

The Technical Advisor emphasized RatedPower's commitment to evolving its software to meet market demands. This approach ensures that the company remains at the forefront of innovation, providing users with the tools they need to tackle complex challenges in the renewable energy sector.

Commitment to be industry leaders

According to the Account Executive DACH, one of the key advantages the company offers is agility in the market, helping customers reduce time and costs during project development.

“We also integrate multiple options within a project, such as the plant itself, interconnection facilities, and storage lines. This integration allows users to select the best options for decision-making. Regarding the European market, there are ambitious objectives for 2030 and 2050. We need to adapt to these needs, promoting hybrid projects with storage and PV, and even standalone storage, which we hope to include in our software soon. Our goal is to continue being a reference in the market," she said.

On the other hand, Scheer pointed out that the market is very versatile, with different challenges in North and South Europe. “We aim to be flexible, covering issues specific to these regions. Transmission lines and battery needs are a focus, especially in countries like the UK. Our strategy is to adapt to these developments," he explained. And explained the importance of regional strategies, noting how RatedPower tailors its approach to meet the unique challenges of different markets across Europe.

In this sense, continuing to work appropriately for the markets and customers is vital. This is also pointed out by Aúz, who adds that, “from the beginning, we focused on automation and digitalization, helping customers avoid human errors and save time. Feedback from customers allows us to quickly adapt and present features that fit the market."

Specific look at the German market

Finally, the Technical Advisor addressed the challenges faced in the German market, highlighting RatedPower's user-friendly software as a solution to the skilled labor shortage and the need for quick, reliable documentation.

"In Germany, skilled labor is a significant challenge. Our software is designed to be user-friendly, allowing even non-experts to create good PV plans, thus addressing the skilled labor shortage. Additionally, having fast, ready-to-show documentation is crucial for customer acceptance. This helps in communicating effectively with customers," Scheer described to Review Energy.

RatedPower's participation at Intersolar Europe demonstrated its leadership in the renewable energy sector. With continuous software updates, a focus on customer needs, and strategic market adaptations, RatedPower is set to drive the transition to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Full interview:


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